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Table 1 Factor loadings from first- and second-order strict invariance models, and Cronbach alphas

From: Parental feeding practices in Mexican American families: initial test of an expanded measure

Second-order factor

(α mothers, α fathers)



First-order factor

(α mothers, α fathers)



#. Item


Positive involvement in child eating

(.88, .91)


Monitor/limit high-calorie foods

(.84, .90)



03. How often do you limit the amount of high-fat foods (fried foods, French fries) your child eats?




04. How often do you keep track of the sweets (candy, ice cream, cake, pies, pastries) your child eats?




10. How often do you encourage your child to eat healthy foods before less healthy ones?




14. How often do you keep track of the snack food (potato chips, Doritos, cheese puffs) that your child eats?




18. How often do you limit the amount of sweets (candy, ice cream, cake or pastries) that your child eats?




25. How often do you keep track of the high-fat foods (fried foods, French fries) that your child eats?




34. How often do you limit the amount of junk foods your child can eat?




35. How often do you keep track of the sugary drinks (soda/pop, Kool-Aid) your child drinks?




48. How often do you limit the amount of soda your child drinks?




62. How often do you restrict the amount of fattening food your child can eat?




Encourage/compliment healthy eating

(.76, .82)



08. How often do you say something positive about the food that your child is eating?




15. How often do you tell your child how tasty a new food is?




19. How often do you reason with your child to get him/her to eat (for example, Milk is good for your health because it will make you strong)?




32. How often do you tell your child that healthy food tastes good?




39. How often do you compliment your child for eating food (for example, What a good boy! You're eating your vegetables)?




49. How often do you encourage your child to eat by arranging the food to make it more interesting (for example, making smiley faces on the pancakes)?




52. How often do you encourage your child to try to eat healthy foods such as vegetables?




63. How often do you keep track of the servings of fresh fruits and vegetables your child is eating?




Encourage a variety of new foods

(.70, .64)



21. How often do you encourage your child to try new foods?




42. How often do you encourage your child to eat a variety of foods?




Ask child what he/she ate †

(.55, .74)



45. How often do you ask your child what he/she ate during the day?




55. How often do you find out how much your child ate during the day?




Provide small servings

(.39, .50)



44. How often do you give your child small servings of food at meals?




60. How often do you add small servings of new foods to your child's plate?




Pressure to eat

(.86, .84)


Tell child to eat all food on plate

(.84, .81)



05. How often do you try to make your child eat all of the food on his/her plate?




43. How often do you tell your child he/she has to finish eating before he/she can go play or do something else?




46. How often do you remind your child to finish eating?




56. How often do you tell your child to eat everything on the plate?




61. How often do you tell your child if he/she doesn't eat, he/she can't watch TV?




64. How often do you tell your child he/she can't leave the table until he/she finishes?




66. How often do you insist that your child eat his/her meal?




Require child to eat even if not hungry

(.72, .69)



16. If your child says, I'm not hungry, how often do you try to get him/her to eat anyway?




26. If your child eats only a small amount, how often do you try to get him/her to eat more?




36. When he/she says he/she is finished eating, how often do you try to get your child to eat one more (two more, etc.) bites of food?




Use of food to control behavior

(.78, .75)


Use food to control emotions

(.78, .72)



09. How often do you give your child something to eat or drink if he/she is cranky or grumpy, even if you think he/she isn't hungry?




20. How often do you give your child something to eat or drink if he/she is bored, even if you think he/she isn't hungry?




31. How often do you give your child something to eat or drink if he/she is upset, even if you think he/she isn't hungry?




41. How often do you give your child something to eat or drink if he/she is sad, even if you think he/she isn't hungry?




51. How often do you give your child something to eat or drink to make him/her happy, even if you think he/she isn't hungry?




Use food as reward

(.65, .63)



02. How often do you offer your child his/her favorite foods in exchange for good behavior?




12. How often do you offer sweets (candy, ice cream, cake, pastries) to your child as a reward for good behavior?




33. How often do you tell your child that he/she has to finish dinner if he/she wants a sweet?




53. How often do you tell your child if he/she finishes the meal, he/she can have a sweet or a soda?




Restriction of amount of food

(.77, .70)


Encourage child to eat less

(.78, .72)



24. How often do you encourage your child to eat less?




28. How often have you put your child on a diet to control his/her weight?




38. How often do you tell your child he's/she's eaten enough?




54. If your child eats more than usual at one meal, how often do you try to restrict his/her eating at the next meal?




Allow child to control snacking and second servings

(.64, .58)



01. How often do you let your child eat whatever he/she wants?




30. How often do you allow your child to eat snacks whenever he/she wants?




37. How often do you let your child have seconds?




50. If your child asks for a snack, how often do you give it to him/her?




59. How often does your child get his/her own snack without asking first?




Limit eating between meals‡

(.48, .38)



07. How often do you keep your child from eating between meals?




13. How often do you limit how much your child can eat his/her favorite foods?




57. How often do you limit the number of snacks your child eats?





(.62, .61)


Allow child to choose meal menu


11. At dinner, how often do you let your child choose the foods he/she wants from what is served?




17. How often do you ask your child what he/she wants for dinner?




22. If your child does not like what is being served, how often do you make something else?




65. How often do you try to serve the meals your child likes?






Allow child to leave table without finishing meal

(.64, .59)


06. How often do you tell your child to leave whatever he/she doesn't want to eat?




27. How often do you tell your child he/she doesn't have to eat something he/she doesn't like?




40. How often do you allow your child to leave the table when he/she is full, even if your family is not done eating?




47. How often do you let your child leave food on his/her plate?




  1. Note: Both first- and second-order factor models had cross-parental equality constraints imposed on all corresponding parameter estimates; Second-order factor loadings are underlined; † first-order factor 'Ask child what he/she ate' had a cross-loading = .35 on second-order factor 'Restriction of amount of food'; ‡ first-order factor 'Limit eating between meals' had a cross-loading = .50 on second-order factor 'Positive involvement in child eating'.