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Table 2 Unadjusted average-daily physical activity and sedentary time estimates (means and 95% confidence intervals)

From: Levels and patterns of objectively-measured physical activity volume and intensity distribution in UK adolescents: the ROOTS study


Whole sample (n = 825)

Boys (n = 359)

Girls (n = 466)

p-gender difference

Physical activity energy expenditure (kJ/kg/d)1

73.6 (70.0 to 77.1)

83.5 (80.2 to 86.9)

65.9 (61.9 to 69.9)


Light physical activity (min/d)1

516.5 (495.1 to 537.9)

527.9 (506.3 to 549.6)

507.7 (482.7 to 532.8)


Moderate physical activity (min/d)1

37.7 (33.4 to 42.4)

50.0 (43.7 to 57.2)

30.3 (26.2 to 35.0)


Vigorous physical activity (min/d)1

3.4 (2.5 to 4.6)

8.4 (6.6 to 10.8)

1.7 (1.2 to 2.4)


Sedentary time (min/d)1

363.9 (348.4 to 379.6)

338.4 (322.9 to 353.8)

383.7 (363.9 to 403.5)


<60 min MVPA/d (n (%))2

448 (54.3)

131 (36.5)

317 (68.0)


  1. Data within person was collapsed to average values across days before analysis. Moderate and vigorous physical activity were transformed using natural log as these variables were skewed before analysis; presented values have been exponentiated back to the original scale. 1Gender comparisons made by linear regression accounting for within-school clustering; 2Gender comparison made by chi-square test.