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Table 1 Description of the 8 MOPER elements

From: Adolescent predictors of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour at age 42: the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study (AGAHLS)

MOPER test




1. Arm pull

The maximal force (in kg) pulled with the preferred arm while standing

2. Standing high jump

The maximal standing vertical jump height (in cm)

3. Flexed arm hang

Maximal time (in sec) that eyes were kept above a horizontal bar hanging in a bent arm position

4. 10 leg lifts

Time (in sec) needed for lifting the legs 10 times from horizontal to vertical position with stretched knees while lying



5. Sprinting

Time (in sec) needed to run 10 times between two lines which were 5 meters apart

6. Plate tapping

Time (in sec) needed to tap 50 times with 'best' hand between two plates which were 75 centimetres apart



7. Sit-and-reach

Maximal reach (in cm) while sitting with extended knees



8. Endurance run

Maximal distance (in km) covered in 12 minutes