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Table 3 Estimated effects of covariate and intervention on total physical activity during the week and weekend days

From: Effect of a family focused active play intervention on sedentary time and physical activity in preschool children


Weekday Total Physical Activity


Weekend Total Physical Activity


Model 1

Model 2


Model 1

Model 2



β (SE)

β (SE)

95% CI


β (SE)

β (SE)

95% CI


107.99 (2.98)

103.45 (8.54)

86.71 to 120.18


95.57 (3.35)

78.27 (9.39)

59.87 to 96.67


−0.97 (3.95)

4.70 (0.89)

2.96 to 9.44


2.48 (1.52)

10.24 (4.00)

2.4 to 18.08

Parent’s play sport


4.54 (1.32)

1.95 to 7.13

Parent’s physical activity


9.08 (4.61)

0.05 to 18.11

Type of childcare attended


1.16 (1.21)

−1.21 to 3.53

Parent’s play sport


0.81 (4.86)

−8.72 to 10.34

Neighbourhood pool


5.27 (5.64)

−5.78 to 16.32

Space to ride bike at home


−6.81 (5.63)

−12.44 to 4.22

Parent’s sex


0.92 (5.54)

−9.93 to 11.77

Eat meals at TV


11.28 (7.51)

−3.43 to 25.99


Minutes in car (weekday)


−0.06 (0.04)

−0.13 to 0.01





School Level

40.49 (29.79)

36.53 (31.27)


School Level

0.00 (0.00)

371.95 (167.44)


Child Level

218.44 (35.74)

200.12 (38.16)


Child Level

359.89 (60.40)

125.21 (38.68)


Time point level

0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)


Time point level

0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)









  1. Note: Significant effects are indicated in bold: * P ≤ .05, **P ≤ .01, ***P ≤ .001. Reference categories for intervention is comparison; for parents participate in sport is no participation; for neighbourhood pool is no pool; for parents gender is male; for parents achieve physical activity recommendations is not achieved; for space to ride bike at home is ample space; for eat meals at TV is does not eat at TV. Type of childcare attended and minutes in car (weekday) are reported as continuous variables where the average is centred on the grand mean (GM). The intervention β value represents the estimated difference in levels of sedentary time for the intervention centres against the comparison centres when all other parameters are included in the final model.
  2. Abbreviations: β = Regression coefficient; SE = Standard Error; CI = Confidence Interval.