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Table 1 Definition and criteria of the engagement groups

From: Design programmes to maximise participant engagement: a predictive study of programme and participant characteristics associated with engagement in paediatric weight management

Engagement Group



Enrol into a MoreLife programme but do not attend any sessions.


Attend the first third of the programme only.

Late dropout

Attend the first and second third of the programme only.

Low sporadic attender

Attend <50 % of all sessions across the programme. Must attend at least one session in the middle and last third of the programme.

High sporadic attender

Attend between 50-70 % of sessions across all programme.


Attend ≥70 % of all sessions. Seventy percent was selected as it falls between the completion criterion recommended by the National Obesity Observatory [38] (75 %) and the Department of Health [39] (60 %).