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Table 3 Development of MoveMEY: key findings on the format from carers and researchers

From: Co-design and content validity of the movement measurement in the early years (MoveMEY) tool for assessing movement behaviour of pre-school aged children

Carers (n = 11)

Researchers (n = 6)

Daily reporting

Daily reporting

Diary format

Tool may have to be longer to be more meaningful (to be able to collect sufficient and useful data)

Distinguish between weekday/weekend

Distinguish between weekday/weekend

Enable space to report home and nursery activity

Ability to capture home and nursery activity

Report nap time / night wakings daily as they differ from physical activity and sedentary behaviour, in that sleep is more consistent whereas physical activity and sedentary behaviour activities can differ day to day.

Report nap time / night wakings daily as they differ from physical activity and sedentary behaviour, in that sleep is more consistent whereas physical activity and sedentary behaviour activities can differ day to day.

Preferences differed in terms of entering own amount of time for each activity versus ticking boxes

Parents to enter own amount of time for each activity may make MoveMEY less complex

Sleep section slightly different – sleep routines mean that bed/wake time question would not need to be daily


Some behaviours may be reported twice – make clear from the start what questions are ahead to avoid this happening

  1. *Empty cells indicate that the same suggestion had not been made