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Table 5 Overview of the amendments made to MoveMEY following the content validity assessment

From: Co-design and content validity of the movement measurement in the early years (MoveMEY) tool for assessing movement behaviour of pre-school aged children

Original question in MoveMEY


Revised question

Part one: General Questions

1. Does your child have any physical, neurodevelopmental, or medical condition or disability that affects their ability to play and be physically active?

No concerns

No amendments made

2. Does your child have any medical sleep problems, such as night terrors?

No concerns

No amendments made

3. Is your child currently suffering from an illness that may affect their normal behaviours, including being active, movement, sitting or sleep?

Question appearing as though it is only aimed at long term illness, rather than just being unwell during the week of measurement

Changed to include more example so that even short-term illnesses are captured. ‘Is your child currently suffering from an illness, unwell or poorly (short or long term) that may affect their normal behaviours, including being active, movement, sitting or sleep?’

Part Two: Physical Activity

4a. Please state how many hours and minutes your child spends actively playing outdoors in each of the following (activities may include: running around, jumping on a trampoline, climbing, skipping, throw/catch).

Columns for home and nursery activity, but specific row was also available for ‘indoors at nursery’.

Crossed out ‘home’ boxes for the ‘outdoor play at nursery’ row

4b. Did any of these activities make your child ‘huff and puff’ or breathe harder? (Please circle)

Parents did not always feel their child would be out of breath or ‘huffing and puffing’, but that a range of activities would suggest this intensity of activity.

Added more examples of higher intensity activity, including makes child breathless, hot and sweaty, or need a drink or rest

4c. If yes, please state how many hours/minutes of this activity made your child ‘huff and puff’ or breathe harder.

5a. Please state how many hours and minutes your child spends actively travelling, which could include travelling for leisure (e.g. to/from school, the shops, the park) each day.

No concerns

No amendments made

5b. Did any of these activities make your child ‘huff and puff’ or breathe harder? (Please circle)

Parents did not always feel their child would be out of breath or ‘huffing and puffing’, but that a range of activities would suggest this intensity of activity.

Added more examples of higher intensity activity, including makes child breathless, hot and sweaty, or need a drink or rest

5c. If yes, please state how many hours/minutes of this activity made your child ‘huff and puff’ or breathe harder.

6a. Please state how many hours and minutes your child spends actively playing indoors (activities may include: dancing, running around, rough and tumble play, sit and ride push toys).

Columns for home and nursery activity, but specific rows were also available for ‘indoors at home’ and ‘indoors at nursery’.

Removed columns for home/nursery, as there was a row for each of these locations.

6b. Did any of these activities make your child ‘huff and puff’ or breathe harder? (Please circle)

Parents did not always feel their child would be out of breath or ‘huffing and puffing’, but that a range of activities would suggest this intensity of activity.

Added more examples of higher intensity activity, including makes child breathless, hot and sweaty, or need a drink or rest

6c. If yes, please state how many hours/minutes of this activity made your child ‘huff and puff’ or breathe harder.

Additional comments on physical activity

No concerns

No amendments made

Part Three: Sedentary Behaviour

7. Please state how long your child spends in screen based activities whilst in a sitting, reclining or lying position.

No concerns

No amendments made

8. Please state at what time your child last uses a screen before going to bed (e.g. if child watches a film before bed).

Screen time before bed, some children do not watch screens after morning, but parents still found this self-explanatory.

No amendments made

9. Please state how long your child spends playing and in other activities whilst sitting, reclining or lying, including quiet or carpet time.

No concerns

No amendments made

10. Please state how long your child spends seated whilst travelling.

No concerns

No amendments made

Additional comments on sedentary behaviour

No concerns

No amendments made

Part Four: Sleep

11. Please write your child’s usual bed time and wake up time.

Some parents stated variation in bed, sleep, wake and out of bed time – daily reporting of these factors may increase accuracy of tool.

Changed to daily reporting of bed time, sleep time, wake time, out of bed time.

12. On which days of the week is this the case? (Please circle and provide a reason in the box if different)

Removed question due to change in format for sleep questions, meaning that consistency can be detected by the MoveMEY tool without this additional question.

13. From the time that your child goes to bed, how long does it take them to fall asleep?

Some parents stated variation in bed, sleep, wake and out of bed time – daily reporting of these factors may increase accuracy of tool.

Changed to daily reporting of bed time, sleep time, wake time, out of bed time.

14. From the time that your child wakes up, how long does it take them to get out of bed?

Some parents stated variation in bed, sleep, wake and out of bed time – daily reporting of these factors may increase accuracy of tool.

Changed to daily reporting of bed time, sleep time, wake time, out of bed time.

15. Please state how many times and for how long each time, that your child wakes up during their night-time sleep.

No concerns

No amendments made

16. Please state how many times and for how long each time that your child naps during the day.

No concerns

No amendments made

Additional comments on sleep

No concerns

No amendments made