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Table 3 Multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios of functional disability associated with 10-min/day changes in time spent sedentary and in LPA and MVPA (n = 1,687)

From: Accelerometer-measured sedentary behavior and risk of functional disability in older Japanese adults: a 9-year prospective cohort study


With sedentary time

With LPA

with MVPA

HR (95% CI)

HR (95% CI)

HR (95% CI)

Replace sedentary time


1.00 (0.99–1.02)

0.88 (0.84–0.92)

Replace LPA

1.00 (0.99–1.01)


0.87 (0.83–0.92)

Replace MVPA

1.14 (1.09–1.20)

1.15 (1.09–1.21)


  1. CI confidence interval, HR hazard ratio, LPA light physical activity, MVPA moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
  2. Models were adjusted for sex, age, living alone, body mass index, multimorbidity, having a fall in the previous year, low walking ability, cognitive impairment, smoking, drinking, and accelerometer wear time