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Table 5 Teachers’ perceived acceptability of the implementation strategies

From: Evaluating the scaling up of an effective implementation intervention (PACE) to increase the delivery of a mandatory physical activity policy in primary schools

PACE strategy

Survey item(s) used to assess acceptability

Agree/Strongly agree

n (%)

Mandate change

I have support from my school executive to implement PACE

339 (76%)

Identify and prepare in-school champions

I have support from my in-school champion to implement PACE

276 (77%)

The implementation of the in-school activities by my in-school champion was acceptable in assisting me to schedule physical activity in my class

254 (73%)

The assistance I receive from my in-school champion was acceptable

261 (75%)

Develop a formal implementation blueprint

The physical activity plan developed by the in-school champion was acceptable in assisting me to schedule physical activity in my class

226 (66%)

Conduct educational outreach visits

The whole school staff meeting was acceptable in assisting me to schedule physical activity in my class

271 (78%)


The information I received at the whole school meeting was acceptable in assisting me to schedule physical activity in my class

271 (78%)

Develop and distribute educational materials

The support strategies were appropriate in assisting me to schedule physical activity in class

341 (78%)


The support strategies were easy to use in assisting me to schedule physical activity in my class

341 (78%)


The information on the online portal was acceptable

177 (51%)

Change physical structure and equipment

The equipment pack was acceptable in assisting me to schedule physical activity in my class

259 (61%)