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Table 2 Potential use case examples based on suggested chatbot features to supporthealthy eating

From: Exploring the design and utility of an integrated web-based chatbot for young adults to support healthy eating: a qualitative study

Potential roles of chatbot

Suggested features/ content

Use cases


Example interaction

R1. Improving healthy eating knowledge & facilitating discovery.

F1. Chatbot generated recommendations that are initiated by the chatbot to detail content which may be of interest to the user.

Based on recent browsing behaviour, chatbot will initiate conversations with recipes or articles the user is expected to like. For example:

Chatbot: Hey there! Want to see some more microwave recipes?

[yeah, sounds good] [nah]

F2. Triaging young people to information on the website (or externally) which would address current needs.

After completing an online Food Frequency Questionnaire on the site, the Chatbot can provide suggestions that promote healthy eating habits.

Chatbot: Hi [name], would you like to see some recipes to help boost your healthy eating quiz score?

[Take me there!] [I’m good thanks]

R2. Reducing time as a barrier to engage in healthy eating.

F3. Nudge or behavioural prompts at critical moments

To initiate chatbot conversation around certain mealtimes.

Chatbot: It’s almost dinner time! Tell me what food you have at home, and I’ll find some recipes for you.


User: Chicken


Chatbot: Here are 42 great chicken recipes. Include another ingredient to narrow it down:


[insert recipe cards]

F4. Assist users to navigate the information on various pages within a healthy eating website.

Chatbot to respond to any related questions posed by the user.

User: What are the best things to eat before exercise?

Chatbot: Great question! Check out our blog article on this:


[Take me there]

R3. Providing support and Social engagement

F5. Enhanced interactivity

Chatbot to utilise different strategies to enhance interactivity (e.g., use of emojis)

Chatbot: Send me an emoji of ingredients that you have at home and I will find some recipes for you?


User: Tomato emoji sent


Chatbot: Here are 52 great tomato recipes. Include another ingredient to narrow it down:


[insert recipe cards]


User: Chicken emoji sent

Chatbot: Nice! 13 chicken and tomato recipes


[insert recipe cards]

F6. Offer useful anonymous support to prevent any feelings of embarrassment and shame associated with topics and questions ‘discussed’.

Chatbot to respond to any sensitive questions from users in a supportive manner and direct to appropriate professional support when needed.

User: What are the signs of an eating disorder?

Chatbot: Different types of eating disorders have different symptoms, see our article here for more information.


[direct to article on website]


Chatbot: If you (or someone you know) would like professional support for eating or body image concerns. Please contact the following for free and confidential support:


[direct to appropriate professional support]

F7. Facilitate user connection with content in a deeper more meaningful way because of the “social” conversational aspect of it.

Chabot to provide positive reinforcement and social comparison upon improvement to eating habits (determined by diet quality assessment tool embedded on site)

Chatbot: Great job [John] you have improved your healthy eating score by XX points. Here’s a great big high five from the NMNT team!


[high five sticker]


Chatbot: Did you know that your healthy eating score is now in the top 20% of all males aged 18–24 years. Keep up the great work!

F8. Outreach adjunct to website - reaching users on the platforms that they are more likely to frequent (such as Facebook Messenger) or ‘bounce’ between email and website.

Chatbot to offer the option for users to opt in to email follow-ups and then users can be added to email automations.

Chatbot: Would you like to receive personalised emails from us to help support your healthy eating journey?

[Yes, sign me up!] [No thanks]