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Table 1 Demographic characteristics and leisure walking minutes at pre-COVID-19 (assessed between 2014–2017) of the Lifelines COVID-19 sub-cohort and the total Lifelines cohort

From: A positive neighborhood walkability is associated with a higher magnitude of leisure walking in adults upon COVID-19 restrictions: a longitudinal cohort study


COVID-19 sub-cohort

N = 20,806

Total Lifelines cohort

N = 100,285

P value

Age (years)

55.1 ± 10.6

49.9 ± 12.7

P < 0.001

 Median (min–max)

54 (20–89)

50 (19–96)

Gender, female

12,485 (60.0%)

59,169 (59.0%)

P = 0.007

BMI (kg/m2)

26.1 ± 4.1

26.1 ± 4.3

P = 0.593



5,180 (28.5%)

28,590 (29.2%)

P < 0.001


6,423 (35.3%)

36,244 (37.0%)


6,586 (36.2%)

33,221 (33.9%)

Occupation status


12,365 (66.7%)

74,045 (74.2%)

P < 0.001

Household composition

 Living alone

2,124 (12.3%)

11,172 (12.5%)

P = 0.456

 Having children < 18 yrs

6,537 (37.4%)

46,911 (50.5%)

P < 0.001

# people who perform leisure walking

12,213 (65.9%)

60,519 (60.8%)

P < 0.001

Leisure walking minutes/week

 Mean ± SD

139 ± 191

123 ± 185

P < 0.001

 Median (min–max)

75 (0–2100)

60 (0–2310)

P < 0.001





WI score

 500m Euclidian buffer Mean ± SD

22.19 ± 13.49

22.11 ± 13.89

P = 0.456

 1650m Euclidian buffer Mean ± SD

32.41 ± 17.44

32.70 ± 18.30

P = 0.041

  1. Categorical data were presented by count (percentage) and continuous data were presented as mean (± SD) and the median with min–max range. Independent T-tests and Pearson’s χ2 tests were used to assess potential differences between the COVID-19 sub-cohort and the total Lifelines cohort for continuous and categorical variables, respectively
  2. IQR Inter-quartile range