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Fig. 1 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Fig. 1

From: Prospective associations between changes in physical activity and sedentary time and subsequent lean muscle mass in older English adults: the EPIC-Norfolk cohort study

Fig. 1

For all A and C, MVPA is in green, LPA is in blue, total ST is in red and Prolonged ST bouts is in orange. For B and D, walking time is in black, cycling time is in purple, gardening time is in red and housework time is in blue. Beta is indicated by central square, 95% CI is indicated by the line. Baseline measures were taken between 2006–2011 and follow-up measures were taken between 2012–2016. Change in variables was from baseline to follow-up. In A and B, results are from model 3 adjusted for season and wear time at baseline, baseline age, sex, job status, smoking status, occupational class, household financial status, and chronic disease status. In C and D, season and wear time at baseline and follow-up, age, sex, job status, smoking status, occupational class, retirement status, household financial status, chronic disease status, and baseline activity. ALM appendicular lean muscle mass, BMI = body mass index, h = height.

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