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Table 3 Cost-effectiveness results, extrapolating PA-I and SB-I to the Australian population of Year 3 children in Government schools, over the lifetime

From: Cost-effectiveness of reducing children’s sedentary time and increasing physical activity at school: the Transform-Us! intervention




Total LYs gained over lifetime

36 588

(95% UI 9 070 to 65 519)

35 643

(95% UI 7 009 to 65 711)

Total HALYS saved over lifetime

60 780

(95% UI 15 007 to 109 413)

61 125

(95% UI 11 770 to 111 250)

Total healthcare cost-savings over lifetime


(95% UI AUD165M to 1.1B)


(95% UI AUD126M to 1.2B)

Total intervention costs


(95% UI AUD7M to 15 M)


(95% UI AUD10M to 26 M)

Total net costa

AUD-631 M

(95% UI AUD-1.1B to -155 M)

AUD-638 M

(95% UI AUD-1.2B to -110 M)

Net cost per HALY saved (ICER)a

AUD-10 374

(95% UI AUD-8 934 to -11,674)

AUD-10 444

(95% UI AUD-8 721 to -11 854)

Overall result


(95% UI Dominant to Dominant)

Probability of cost-effectivenessc



  1. Table notes:a Negative total net costs equate to cost-savings. b Dominant interventions result in health gains and cost-savings. c The willingness-to-pay threshold for this analysis is AUD50,000 per HALY. Costs are presented in 2010 Australian dollars. 95% UI = 95% uncertainty interval based on 2,000 simulations. AUD = Australian dollars. BMI = body mass index. HALYs = Health adjusted life years. ICER = Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. LYs = life years. M = million. MET = metabolic equivalent task. N/A = not applicable. PA-I = physical activity intervention. SB-I = sedentary behaviour intervention