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Table 1 Characteristics of sample at baseline (T0)

From: Effectiveness of the Walking in ScHools (WISH) Study, a peer-led walking intervention for adolescent girls: results of a cluster randomised controlled trial


Overall (n = 18 schools; n = 589 pupils)

Intervention (n = 9 schools; n = 286 pupils)

Control (n = 9 schools; n = 303 pupils)

Country, N (%):


204 (34.6%)

85 (29.7%)

119 (39.3%)


385 (65.4%)

201 (70.3%)

184 (60.7%)

Age in years; median (IQR; range)

13 (1.0; 12–14)

13 (1.0; 12–14)

13 (1.0; 12–14)

Height (cm); mean (SD)

158 (7)

158 (6)

159 (7)

Weight (kg); median (IQR; range)

52 (14; 31–142)

52 (14; 32–127)

51 (14; 31–142)

BMI z-score; mean (SD)

0.65 (1.21)

0.66 (1.20)

0.64 (1.22)

BMI categories [79], N (%):


45 (7.6%)

20 (7.0%)

25 (8.3%)

 Normal weight

321 (54.5%)

157 (54.9%)

164 (54.1%)


131 (22.2%)

65 (22.7%)

66 (21.8%)


86 (14.6%)

41 (14.3%)

45 (14.9%)

Waist circumference (cm); median (IQR; range)

69 (13; 53–131)

69 (13; 53–121)

70 (12; 54–131)

Hip circumference (cm); median (IQR; range)

88 (11; 63–133)

88 (11; 63–133)

87 (11; 70–127)

Waist:Hip ratio; median (IQR; range)

0.8 (0.1; 0.7–1.1)

0.8 (0.1; 0.7–1.0)

0.8 (0.1; 0.7–1.1)

  1. NI Northern Ireland, IQR Interquartile range, SD Standard deviation, BMI body mass index