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Table 1 Construction of the items and scales to assess the perceived physical environment

From: Environmental perceptions as mediators of the relationship between the objective built environment and walking among socio-economically disadvantaged women


Content of the items

Response category

Aesthetics (five items)

1. There is a lot of rubbish on the streets in my neighbourhood

Five point scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree

2. There is a lot of noise in my neighbourhood

3. In my neighbourhood the buildings and homes are well-maintained

4. The buildings and homes in my neighbourhood are interesting

5. My neighbourhood is attractive

Neighbourhood PA environment (seven items)

1. My neighbourhood offers many opportunities to be physically active

Five point scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree

2. Local sports clubs and other facilities in my neighbourhood offer many opportunities to get exercise

3. It is pleasant to walk in my neighbourhood

4. The trees in my neighbourhood provide enough shade

5. In my neighbourhood it is easy to walk places

6. I often see other people walking in my neighbourhood

7. I often see other people exercising in my neighbourhood

Personal safety (three items)

1. I feel safe walking in my neighbourhood, day or night

Five point scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree

2. Violence is not a problem in my neighbourhood

3. My neighbourhood is safe from crime

Neighbourhood social cohesion (five items)

1. People in my neighbourhood can be trusted

Five point scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree

2. This is a close-knit neighbourhood

3. People around here are willing to help their neighbours

4. People in this neighbourhood generally do not get along with each other (reverse scored)

5. People in this neighbourhood do not share the same values (reverse scored)

  1. PA physical activity.