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Table 4 Regression analyses for possible mediators of the associations between the destinations/connectivity score and leisure-time walking

From: Environmental perceptions as mediators of the relationship between the objective built environment and walking among socio-economically disadvantaged women

Possible mediators

α (SE)

95% CI for α

β (SE)

95% CI for β

αβ (SE)

95% CI for αβ

Proportion mediated (%)


−0.02 (0.005)

−0.03, -0.01

0.54 (0.20)

0.15, 0.94

−0.01 (0.005)

−0.02, -0.001


Physical activity environment

0.01 (0.004)

0.001, 0.02

1.44 (0.20)

1.05, 1.82

0.01 (0.006)

0.002, 0.03


Personal safety

−0.04 (0.007)

−0.05, -0.03

0.45 (0.13)

0.19, 0.71

−0.02 (0.006)

−0.03, -0.006


Neighbourhood social cohesion

−0.02 (0.004)

−0.03, -0.01

0.60 (0.21)

0.19, 1.00

−0.01 (0.005)

−0.02, -0.003


Total multiple model


−0.02 (0.01)

−0.04, -0.001


  1. SE standard error, CI confidence interval, S suppression effect.
  2. All significant associations are presented in bold font.
  3. Notes: α–coefficients were estimated by regressing the potential mediators onto the destinations/connectivity z-score; β-coefficients were estimated by regressing leisure-time walking onto the destinations/connectivity z-score and potential mediators; αβ-coefficients represent the mediated effect; all possible mediators were positively scored (higher score = better perceptions); all analyses were controlled for individual-level age, smoking status, marital status, employment status and educational level.