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Table 3 Multivariable adjusted 10th survival percentile differences (PD) in months by different domains of physical activity

From: Physical activity and mortality in a prospective cohort of middle-aged and elderly men – a time perspective

Specific physical activity

PDa(95% CI), months

Walking/Bicycling (Active vs hardly ever)

11 (7–16)

Exercise (>1 h/week vs <1 h/week)

8 (4–12)

Limited inactivity -watching TV/reading- (<3 h/day vs > =3 h/day)

8 (4–12)

Work occupation (Active vs mostly sitting)

6 (4–10)

Home/household work (>1 h/day vs <1 h/day)

−2 (−6-2)

  1. a The different domains of physical activity, were mutually adjusted using the inactive group as reference. Furthermore, estimates were adjusted for baseline age (45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, and 75–79 years), body mass index (BMI, <25, 25–29, ≥30 kgm2), alcohol consumption (current <5 g/day, current 5–9 g/day, current 10–19 g/day, current ≥20 g/day, former, never drinker), smoking status and pack-years of smoking (current ≥40, current 20–39, current < 20, former ≥40, former 20–39, former <20, never), and educational level (1–9, 10–12, >12 years).