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Table 1 Characteristics of sociodemographic, physical, service, social-interactional, and symbolic environments as possible correlates of recreational walking

From: The environmental correlates of overall and neighborhood based recreational walking (a cross-sectional analysis of the RECORD Study)

Neighborhood characteristic


Measurement approach

Neighborhood sociodemographic environment


  Neighborhood median income

Exhaustive data from the Tax Registry of DGI in 2006 geocoded at the residential address by Insee

Aggregation of population data within street network buffersa: median household income per consumption unit

  Neighborhood education

Population Census of 2006 geocoded at the residential address by Insee

Aggregation of population data within street network buffersa: proportion of residents with University education

  Neighborhood population density

Population Census of 2006 geocoded at the residential address by Insee

Aggregation of population data within street network buffersa: number of inhabitants per km2

Neighborhood physical environment


  Proportion of the neighborhood covered with buildings

3-dimensional data from IGN on buildings’ ground shape and height in 2008

GIS processing: proportion of built surface within street network buffersa

  Surface of green spaces

Linear and polygonal data from IAU-IdF on public parks and green spaces in 2008

GIS processing: proportion of surface covered with green spaces within street network buffersa

  Presence of a lake or waterway

Polygonal data from IAU-IdF on land use in 2003

GIS processing: presence of water in street network buffersa

  Density of street intersections

Data on the street network in 2008 from IGN

GIS processing: count of intersections with at least 3 ways within street network buffersa

  Link node ratio

Data on the street network in 2008 from IGN

GIS processing: number of links divided by the number of nodes within street network buffersa

  Highway nearby the dwelling

Data on the street network in 2008 from IGN

GIS processing: presence of a highway within 250 m (straight-line distance)

  Road traffic-related pollution (nitrogen dioxide)

Modeled data from AIRPARIF on annual concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in 2007-2008

GIS processing: average concentration within street network buffersa

  Air traffic exposure area

Data on air traffic from ACNUSA in 2005

GIS processing: air traffic below 2000 m in the street network buffers

  Waste treatment facilities

Geocoded waste treatment facilities in 2008 from IAU-IdF

GIS processing: presence of a waste treatment facility in street network buffersa

  Presence and quality of green and open spaces

3 items from the RECORD questionnaire

3-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

  Deterioration of the physical environment

4 items from the RECORD questionnaire

3-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

Neighborhood service environment


  Density of destinations

Geocoded destinations from the 2008 Permanent Database of Facilities of Insee

GIS processing: count of destinations (administrations, public/private shops, entertainment facilities, etc.) within street network buffersa

  Presence of monuments

Geocoded monuments in 2005 from IAU-IdF

GIS processing: count of monuments within street network buffersa

  Number of transportation lines

Geocoded stops of buses, metros, and trains in 2008 from STIF

GIS processing: count of different lines within street network buffersa

  Proportion of incoming and outgoing traffic by public transportation rather than car

Outputs of a road traffic model from DRE-IdF

GIS processing: proportion of traffic by public transportation in the residential area

  Presence of a shopping center

Geocoded shopping centers in 2008 from IAU-IdF

GIS processing: presence of a shopping center within street network buffersa

Neighborhood social interactions


  School violence nearby the dwelling

School violence in 2005-2006 from the Ministry of Education

Multilevel modeling of violence behavior in schools and GIS processing: average violence in schools nearby home

  Neighborhood social cohesion

4 items from the RECORD questionnaire

3-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

  Neighborhood shared feeling of e insecurity

1 item from the RECORD questionnaire

2-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

  Neighborhood stressful social interactions

5 items from the RECORD questionnaire

3-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

  Neighborhood mistrust and hostility

5 items from the RECORD questionnaire

3-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

Neighborhood symbolic environment b


  Stigmatized neighborhood identity

3 items from the RECORD questionnaire

3-level multilevel ordinal ecometric model (TRIRIS neighborhood)

  1. Legend: ACNUSA, Authority for the Control of Airport Nuisances; DGI, General Directorate of Taxation; DRE-IdF: Direction of Equipment and Infrastructures of Ile-de-France region; IAU-IdF, Institute of Urban Planning of the Ile-de-France region; IGN, National Geographic Institute; Insee, National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies; GIS, Geographic Information System; STIF, the Ile-de-France Transportation Authority.
  2. aVariables within street network buffers were determined with a radius of 1000 m.
  3. bThe symbolic environment refers to the territorial identities associated with each neighborhood.