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Table 3 Frequency of eating food at and from restaurants as predictors of children’s attitudes about vegetable, fruit, and French fry side dishes

From: Healthier side dishes at restaurants: an analysis of children’s perspectives, menu content, and energy impacts



95% CI


Predictor: Frequency of eating food at restaurants


How likely to order vegetable side dish (higher = more likely)


Frequency (higher = more often)


.05, .24


Age group (1 = teens)


-.19, .13


Sex (1 = female)


.09, .40


How likely to order French fry side dish (higher = more likely)


Frequency (higher = more often)


-.13, .01


Age group (1 = teens)


-.24, -.00


Sex (1 = female)


-.33, -.09


How likely to order fruit side dish (higher = more likely)


Frequency (higher = more often)


-.06, .12


Age group (1 = teens)


-.36, -.07


Sex (1 = female)


.03, .32


How happy if side dish was fruit/vegetable and not French fries (higher = happier)


Frequency (higher = more often)


.03, .25


Age group (1 = teens)


-.19, .18


Sex (1 = female)


.12, .47


Predictor: Frequency of eating food from restaurants (take-out)


How likely to order vegetable side dish (higher = more likely)


Frequency (higher = more often)


-.15, .04


Age group (1 = teens)


-.22, .10


Sex (1 = female)


.08, .39


How likely to order French fry side dish (higher = more likely)


Frequency (higher = more often)


.08, .22


Age group (1 = teens)


-.22, .02


Sex (1 = female)


-.31, -.08


How likely to order fruit side dish (higher = more likely)


Frequency (higher = more often)


-.09, .08


Age group (1 = teens)


-.37, -.07


Sex (1 = female)


.03, .31


How happy if side dish was fruit/vegetable and not French fries (higher = happier)


Frequency (higher = more often)


-.26, -.05


Age group (1 = teens)


-.22, .14


Sex (1 = female)


.09, .45


  1. Note: Bolded rows indicate statistically significant results (p < .05).