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Table 1 Food groupings used in the dietary pattern analysisa.

From: Dietary patterns and associated lifestyles in individuals with and without familial history of obesity: a cross-sectional study

Food groups

Food in the group

Processed meats

Bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami, bologna, ham, pepperoni, liver paste

Red meats

Beef, veal, lamb, pork, game and horse

Organ meats

Liver or other organ meat such as heart, and kidney

Fish and other seafood

Fish and sea food (all kinds)


Chicken and turkey with or without skin


Eggs including scrambled, fried, omelets, hard-boiled eggs and quiche


Salted and unsalted butter

Hydrogenated margarine

Hydrogenated margarine (all kinds)

Non-hydrogenated fat

Non-hydrogenated margarine; oil and salad dressing (all kinds)

Reduced- or low- fat dairy products

Skim, 1% or 2%-fat milk and yogurt

High-fat dairy products

Whole milk; cheese (all kinds); cream; ice cream; yogurt (> 2%-fat)

Hard liquor

Hard liquor such as tequila, gin, vodka, scotch, rum, whiskey


Red or white wine


Beer or low alcohol beer


Regular tea with caffeine, decaffeinated or herbal tea


Regular coffee with caffeine or decaffeinated


All fruit including fresh, frozen, dried, compote (stewed) or canned

Fruit juices

All fruit juices without additionned sugar


All vegetables

Vegetable juices

Vegetable and tomato juices


Lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas soup; soy product including tofu, soy milk

Potatoes other than French fried


French fries

French fries and fried potatoes

Whole grains

Whole-wheat, whole-grain and other multigrain breads, bagels, tortillas, English muffins and pita; wheat or whole-grain pasta and brown rice; oatmeal and cream of wheat; whole-grain cereala

Refined grains

White breads, bagels, pita, tortillas, English muffins, rice, pasta; muffins (home-made); couscous; pancakes; waffles; granola bar; refined cerealb


Pizza (all kinds)


Potato chips, popcorn, crackers


All nuts or seed and nuts butter

Regular soft drinks

Regular soft drinks

Diet soft drinks

Diet soft drinks


Regular and low-fat mayonnaise

Cream-based soups

Cream soup (all kinds)

Soups, broth, or bouillon

Noncream, broth-based soups


Cookies, pies, pudding, cakes, doughnuts, croissants, pastries, muffins (commercial), coated granola bar, frozen treats (ice cream sandwichs, fudge, ice cream bars).


Table sugar, brown sugar, maple and corn syrup, honey, jam, candy, fudge, maple taffy, chocolate bar or pieces and candy bar with chocolate


Ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, soy sauce

Meats pies

Chicken, meat and, salmon pies

Supplement products

Nutribar® and Slim Fast® bars, Thirst quencher

  1. aParticipants were requested to recall how often, on average, they consumed a given amount of each food during the past month (ranging from [not consumed] to [every day]). Examples of portion size representing 1 standard serving such as 1 slice, 1 tablespoon (15 mL), 1 cup (250 mL), 1 oz of cheese or meat were provided for a better estimation of the real portion consumed by the subject.
  2. bCereal that contain > 2.0 g fiber/serving are in the whole grains
  3. cCereal that contain ≤ 2.0 g fiber/serving are in the refined grains