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Table 1 Overview of general and nutrition related cognitive characteristics of children

From: Cognitive development and children's perceptions of fruit and vegetables; a qualitative study

Pre-operational stage

Concrete operational stage

Formal operational stage

Limited information processors

Cued processors

Strategic processors


Aware of perspective of another

Able to consider different perspectives

Focused on one attractive external characteristic

Focused on two or more functional and underlying attributes

Focused on multiple functional and underlying attributes

Decisions based on salient perceptual attributes

Decisions more flexible and thoughtful

Decisions more strategic

Do not consider transformations

See intermediary processes

Eye for detail

Concrete thinking

Thinking more logical, but concrete

Abstract thinking

Pre-logical thinking

First type of causality thinking

Logical reasoning

No distinction between foods and snacks

Distinction between foods and snacks


Ingested foods not changed in stomach

Ingested foods are changed somehow in the stomach


Can mention healthy foods, but not explain why it is healthy

Healthy foods make you strong, healthy and grow (do not know how)


Brand preferences based on perceptual and affective attributes

Brand preferences based on cognitive attributes


Rejection based on distaste, danger or ideational

Rejection based on distaste, danger, disgust or inappropriateness

Rejection based on distaste, danger, disgust or inappropriateness

No idea of contamination

Basic idea of contamination

Full adult idea of contamination

  1. * No data available for this age group; these studies did focus on children in the pre-operational and concrete operational stage