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Table 2 Question route

From: Cognitive development and children's perceptions of fruit and vegetables; a qualitative study

Spontaneously probed (dis)likes

"If you think about food, what do you like best in the world?"

"If you think about food, what do you think is the worst food in the world?"

Attributes responsible for (dis)liking

"What is it that makes this product so nice/awful?"

Categorization of fruit & vegetables

The children were invited to group the 15 fruit and vegetable products according to their opinion. They could choose how many groups they wanted to make.

Tasting seven pieces of fruit

The children were asked to taste the fruit pieces (in random order) and to tell what they liked or disliked about it. The characteristics of the product were also discussed.

Healthy eating strategies

"If you are served a food that you do not like, what happens then?"

"What do your parents say about fruits/vegetables?"

Appropriate eating situations

"Which picture depicts the most appropriate moment for eating fruit/vegetables?"

"Which picture depicts the most appropriate occasion to eat fruit/vegetables?"

Free associations

Associations and images for fruit and vegetables were explored by questions, free associations and game tasks about coolness, boringness, and appropriate target population for fruit and vegetables.

Concept of health

"Can you explain what health means?"

Then the children were shown five pictures of products: grapes, leek, French fries, tart and candies. For each product they were asked:

"Do you think this product is healthful?"

"Why do you think that it is healthful/not healthful?"