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Table 1 Open-Ended Questions

From: Psychosocial factors underlying physical activity



Salient Advantages

What do you see as the advantages or good things that would happen if you participate in physical activity at least 60 minutes per day?

Salient Disadvantages

What do you see as the disadvantages or bad things that would happen if you participate in physical activity at least 60 minutes per day?

Salient Referents Who Approve

Who do you think would agree or approve if you participate in physical activity at least 60 minutes per day?

Salient Referents Who Disapprove

Who do you think would object or disapprove if you participate in physical activity at least 60 minutes per day?

Salient Easy Circumstances

What makes it easier for you to participate in physical activity at least 60 minutes per day?

Salient Hard Circumstances

What makes it difficult or impossible for you to participate in physical activity at least 60 minutes per day?