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Table 3 Cost-effectiveness results ($AUD)

From: Cost-effectiveness of active transport for primary school children - Walking School Bus program

Total BMI units saved

Median BMI reduction per child (new to active transport and WSB participation)

270 (40; 1,300)

0.03 (0.01; 0.11) -- boys and girls were the same

Total DALYs saved

DALYs saved per person (new to active transport and WSB participation)

30 (7; 104) (excluding taggers)

Males 0.003 (0.00034; 0.0086);

Females 0.0018 (0.00072; 0.0079)

Total intervention cost

$22.8 M ($16.6 M; $30.9 M)

Total intervention cost by sector


   'C1': health sector


   'C2': client/family

   $2 M (8.7% of total cost) [All time costs]

   'C3': other sectors

   $21 M (91.3% of total cost) [Key sectors: Education]

Gross cost per BMI unit saved

$87,000 ($18,000; $490,000)

Gross cost per DALY saved

$0.77 M ($0.24 M; $3.2 M)

Total cost-offsets

$0.24 M ($0.05 M; $0.86 M)

Net cost per DALY saved (with cost-offsets)

$0.76 M ($0.23 M; $3.32 M)

  1. * Values are medians; figures in brackets show the 95% uncertainty interval
  2. $AUD Australian dollars; BMI body mass index; WSB Walking School Bus; DALY disability-adjusted life year; M million
  3. Source: ACE-Obesity project