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Table 6 Mean minutes per day MVPA on weekdays and weekend days by frequency of playing in certain outdoor locations

From: Individual, social and physical environmental correlates of children's active free-play: a cross-sectional study


Mean minutes (SD) per day

MVPA on weekdays (3.30-6 pm)

Mean minutes (SD) per day

MVPA on weekend days

Yard at home


   - highest tertile


43.9 (13.6)

168.4 (82.17)

   - Lowest and second tertile


44.6 (15.9)

154.3 (80.67)

Own street/court/footpath


   - highest tertile


45.98 (15.15)

174.4 (89.52)

   - Lowest and second tertile


43.2 (15.03)

157.7 (75.49)



   - highest tertile


46.6 (14.45)

158.6 (88.66)

   - Lowest and second tertile


43.0 (15.29)

166.5 (77.61)