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Table 1 Built and socioeconomic environment measures:1 data sources and variable descriptions

From: Built and socioeconomic environments: patterning and associations with physical activity in U.S. adolescents

Data source (year); Measure

Geographic Area2

Variable description

ESRI StreetMap (2000)


Street connectivity


Alpha index3

1 k

Ratio of observed to maximum possible route alternatives between nodes (intersections); high values indicate high connectivity.

Beta index3

1 k

Ratio of links (connections between nodes) to nodes; high values indicate high connectivity.

Cul de sac density3

1 k

Number of cul de sacs (single-link nodes) per square kilometer; low values indicate high connectivity.

Cyclomatic index3

1 k

Number of route alternatives between nodes; high values indicate high connectivity.

Gamma index3

1 k

Ratio of observed links to the maximum number of links; high values indicate high connectivity.

Intersection density

1 k

Number of 3- or more-way intersections (≥links in a single node) per square kilometer

Commercial database of U.S. businesses (1995)

Physical activity facilities


Instruction (count)

3 k

Dance studios, basketball instruction, martial arts

Member (count)

3 k

Athletic club and gymnasium, tennis club, basketball club

Outdoor (count)

3 k

Sporting and recreation camps, swimming pools

Public (count)

3 k

Public beach, pools, tennis courts, recreation centers

Public fee (count)

3 k

Physical fitness facilities, bicycle rental, public golf courses

Youth organization (count)

3 k

Boy/Girl Scouts, youth centers

ESRI StreetMap Pro, parks component (2003)

Parks (count)

3 k

Local parks and recreation areas, classified by Census Bureau classification code

National land cover dataset (1992)


Landscape diversity


Mean patch size

1 k

Total land patch area divided by the number of patches (square meters)

Patch size variability

1 k

Square root of the sum of the squared deviations of each patch area from the mean patch area, divided by the number of patches

Land patch density

1 k

Number of land patches per hectare

Simpson's diversity index

1 k

Represents the probability that any two pixels selected at random would be different patch types.

Contagion index

1 k

Measures texture based on aggregation and interspersion of land patch types

Perimeter-fractal dimension

1 k

Measures perimeter and shape complexity

Patch richness3

1 k

Number of different patch types (classes)

Mean shape index3

1 k

Mean shape index, which measures patch shape and compaction.

Mean fractal dimension index3

1 k

Measures perimeter and shape complexity across a range of spatial scales (patch sizes)

U.S. Census (1990)


Population count

1 k

Count of persons within buffer

% below poverty


Percent of persons living in households with income below the federal poverty level

% minority


Percent of persons with race/ethnicity other than white non-Hispanic

% college educated


Percent of persons 25 years and older with at least a college education

Median household income


Median household income

% homeowners


Percent of households who own (versus rent) their homes

Uniform Crime Reporting data (1995)

Crime rate


Number of non-violent and violent crimes per 100,000 population

  1. 1From the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health Obesity Environment Database
  2. 21 k, 3 k = 1 and 3 kilometer Euclidean buffer; CT = census tract; Co = County. Selected neighborhood definitions were selected because they yielded the strongest associations between environment measures and physical activity in previous analysis.
  3. 3Examined in exploratory factor analysis but excluded from final factor solutions based on criteria described in Methods