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Table 2 Descriptive statistics for sedentary variables compared between weekday and weekend day (mixed model single factor ANOVA) of the 102 adolescent female participants.

From: Cross-Sectional analysis of levels and patterns of objectively measured sedentary time in adolescent females



Mean (± SE)

Weekend Day Mean (± SE)

P =

Total Sitting/Lying (hrs)

18.8 (0.1)

18.9 (0.2)


% of Total day Sedentary

78.4 (0.5)

78.5 (0.7)


Number of Sedentary Bouts (per day)

53 (1)

49 (1)

< .001

Mean Length of Sedentary Bouts (mins)

9.8 (0.2)

8.8 (0.2)

< .001

Number of Breaks (per day)

55 (1)

50 (1)

< .001

Mean Length of Break (mins)

6.5 (0.2)

6.7 (0.3)


  1. SE-Standard Error; All analysis controlled for school, urban/rural and number of valid days