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Table 4 Overview of the selected theoretical methods and practical strategies used in the IDEFICS intervention

From: Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention

Level of the intervention


Related strategies

Community level

Forming coalitions

Development of an organisational structure at the community level stimulate collaboration across different agenda's; technical assistance on action and strategic planning (module 1)


Policy and media advocacy

Placing the topic on the political agenda; sharing resources; increasing public awareness (module 2)



Changes in the environment (module 3)

School level

Forming coalitions

Development of an organisational structure at the school level; stimulate collaboration across different agenda's; technical assistance on action and strategic planning (module 4)



Changes in the environment (module 6, 7, 8 and 9)

Class level

Alternation of perception (altering the perceptions of pros and cons of the desired behaviour so that children give preference to the desired behaviour)

Reinforcement (providing reinforces (e.g. incentives) for the performance of the desired behaviour)

Implementation intentions (defining specific plans of action, which specify exactly when (time), where (place) and how (response) to behave in future situations)

Goal setting (setting reasonable and challenging goals, goals that are difficult but available within the individual's skill level)

Modelling with guided enactment (behavioural change by observing and doing, supported by feedback and rewards)

Classroom and homework related activities (module 5)

For example:

- practical classroom activities (e.g. tasting games, active movement breaks)

- theoretical classroom activities (e.g. teaching children how to set goals)

- diaries (registering of the progress of a specific behaviour and reinforcement of the desired behaviour)

- creating and evaluating an accomplishment plan for the desired behaviour (children taking home their behavioural goals set during the theoretical lesson and trying to realise their goals with their parents)

Family level

Alternation of perception

Modelling with guided enactment

Persuasive communication

Homework related activities (module 5)

Homework related activities (module 5)

Homework related activities (module 5)

Educational folders and posters (module 10)