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Table 3 Weight for Length and Body Mass Index z-scores Description by Feeding Group from 6 months to current

From: Do infants fed directly from the breast have improved appetite regulation and slower growth during early childhood compared with infants fed from a bottle?





Month 6


WFLz , Mean (sd)

0.68 (1.01)

0.61 (0.91)

0.83 (1.24)

Month 12


WFLz, Mean (sd)

0.45 (1.15)


0.58 (1.21)

Month 24


WFLz, Mean (sd)

0.23 (1.17)

0.36 (1.15)

0.12 (1.32)

Month 36


BMIz, Mean (sd)

0.36 (1.09)

0.27 (0.91)

0.16 (0.98)



Mean Age at Measurement

4.00 (1.04)

4.00 (0.98)

4.20 (1.11)

BMIz, Mean (sd)

0.48 (0.89)

0.35 (1.06)

0.46 (1.00)

  1. Direct BF = direct breastfeeding group. BTL-HM = Bottle-fed Human Milk group. BTL-FORM = Bottle-fed Formula group. WFLz = Weight for Length z-score. WFL% = Weight-for-length percentile. BMIz = body mass index z-score. BMI% = body mass index percentile.