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Table 2 Main and interaction effects of the environmental and demographic factors

From: The effect of changing micro-scale physical environmental factors on an environment’s invitingness for transportation cycling in adults: an exploratory study using manipulated photographs

Sorting task A

β (S.E.)

Sorting task B

β (S.E.)


1.12 (0.25)


0.60 (0.51)

Main effects 1


Main effects 1


Traffic level

1.43 (0.21)***

Traffic level

1.26 (0.20)***

Traffic calming

0.35 (0.12)**

Separation MT

1.92 (0.26)***

Evenness of the cycle path

2.52 (0.35)***

Separation sidewalk

−0.45 (0.24)

General upkeep

1.97 (0.24)***

Evenness of the cycle path

3.29 (0.25)***


0.81 (0.16)***

Width of the cycle path

0.78 (0.11)***

Interaction effects


Interaction effects


Evenness*general upkeep

1.07 (0.17)***

Separation MT* separation sidewalk

−0.42 (0.13)***

  1. SE = standard error; MT = motorized traffic.
  2. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
  3. 1The reference categories for the environmental factors were the negative environmental characteristic of the factors (i.e. high traffic level, no speed bump, uneven cycle path, poorly upkeep, no vegetation, no separation MT, no separation sidewalk, narrow cycle path).
  4. Note: The outcome variable of both sorting tasks was the environment’s invitingness-score for transportation cycling on a Likert scale ranging from 0–10. The final model of sorting task A was adjusted for gender and education, since these were found to be related to the invitingness-scores. Similarly, the final model for sorting task B was adjusted for education.