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Table 4 Mean number of days of weight loss strategies at baseline and three months

From: A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of self-weighing as a weight loss intervention

How often in the past month have you....

Mean change in control group (SD)

Mean change in intervention group (SD)

Mean changes between control and intervention (95% CI) days per month

Planned your meals ahead of time?

2.3 (16.1)

0.8 (15.3)

-1.6 (-6.6, 3.5)

Tried to slow down your pace of eating?

4.7 (14.6)

7.4 (14.2)

2.6 (-2.0, 7.3)

Kept a record of what you eat and drink?

0.6 (10.6)

5.3 (10.7)

4.8 (1.3, 8.2)

Controlled your portions?

2.9 (13.7)

0.1 (15.3)

-2.8 (-7.5, 1.9)

Kept a goal for the amount of calories you eat per day?

1.5 (10.7)

2.4 (11.2)

0.8 (-2.7, -1.8)

Read nutrition labels?

-1.1 (16.1)

-0.2 (13.8)

0.9 (-3.9, 2.4)

Follow a consistent exercise routine?

1.0 (12.6)

-0.7 (12.8)

-1.8 (-5.9, 2.3)

Tried to limit eating out at restaurants?

2.2 (18.6)

-0.4 (17.5)

-2.6 (-8.4, 3.2)

Eaten breakfast?

2.1 (11.0)

0.6 (11.8)

-1.5 (-5.1, 2.2)

Chosen lower-calorie options of particular foods?

-0.8 (16.1)

1.8 (18.4)

2.6 (-3.0, 8.1)

Tried to avoid eating late at night?

1.4 (15.5)

0.8 (14.5)

-0.7 (-5.5, 4.2)

Tried to avoid doing other activities (e.g. watching TV) whilst eating?

3.5 (15.2)

2.7 (14.8)

-0.9 (-5.7, 1.7)

Do exercises that you enjoy?

0.3 (11.9)

-1.7 (11.1)

-2.0 (-5.7, 1.7)

Limited the amount of sugar you eat or drink?

3.3 (16.1)

-2.8 (17.7)

-6.1 (-11.5, -0.6)

Kept a goal for the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat per day?

-2.7 (16.7)

-0.3 (16.7)

2.3 (-3.1, 7.7)

Kept a goal for the grams of fat you eat per day?

1.9 (2.7)

3.8 (12.3)

2.0 (-2.1, 6.0)