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Table 2 Standardized factor loadings in the final models of the modified NEWS-A for seniors and original NEWS-A among NHS participants in California, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, 2008

From: Factorial validity of an abbreviated Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for seniors in the Nurses’ Health Study

Factor and items



NEWS-A for seniors


Access to destinations factor


Stores within easy walking distance



Many places within easy walking distance



Easy to walk to a transit stop



Street connectivity factor


Short distance between intersections



Many alternative routes



Straight streets, not curvy



Infrastructure for walking factor


Sidewalks on most streets



Cars divide sidewalk and traffic



Grass/dirt strip divides sidewalk and traffic



Streets are well lit at night



Crosswalks have beeps



Pedestrian signals give time to cross



Curb cuts or ramps



Aesthetics factor


Trees along the streets



Interesting things to look at



Attractive natural sights, views



Attractive buildings, homes



Traffic safety factor


Traffic makes it difficult to walk



Traffic speed is usually slow



Most drivers exceed the speed limit



Safe to walk in or along street



Personal safety factor


High crime rate



Crime makes it unsafe to walk during day



Crime makes it unsafe to walk during night



Unsafe alleys between buildings



Loitering teenagers make it unsafe to walk



Other items not in a factor


Few cul-de-sacs

Not included

Not included

Walkers and bikers easily seen

Not included

Not included

Parking is difficult in shopping areas

Not included

Not included

Hilly streets

Not included

Not included

Major barriers to walking

Not included

Not included

Bicycle lanes or trails

Not included


Islands in the middle of the road

Not included


Have to cross busy streets to get to shops

Not included


Cars crossing sidewalks

Not included


Stray or loose dogs

Not included


  1. Not included: Item not included in the final measurement model.
  2. N/A: Item found only in modified NEWS-A for seniors, not in original NEWS-A.
  3. See Appendix for full item wording.