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Table 3 Importance of a determinant

From: Determinants of dietary behavior among youth: an umbrella review

Five categories of importance are defined: ++ / + / 0 / - / --

The categories are defined as follows:


The variable has been found to be a statistically significant determinant in all identified reviews, without exception. This could mean that only one review has included a particular variable, and showed that this was a significant correlate and/or reported a (non)-significant effect size larger than 0.30, but it could also mean that a number of reviews were conducted that included this variable and all of them concluded that the variable was significantly related to the particular behavioral outcome.


The variable has been found to be a statistically significant determinant and/or reported a (non)-significant effect size larger than 0.30 in most reviews or studies within the review, with some exceptions. This implies that > 75% of the available reviews concluded the variable to be related, or the separate reviews report that 75% or more of the original studies concluded the factor to be related. This could therefore mean that only one review has included a particular variable, and showed that this was a significant correlate in > 75% of studies. But it could also mean that a number of reviews were executed towards this variable and most, but not all, concluded that the variable was significantly related to the particular behavioral outcome.


The variable has been found to be a determinant and/or reported a (non)-significant effect size larger than 0.30 in some reviews (25% to 75% of available reviews or of the studies reviewed in these reviews), but not in others. This could mean that only one review has included a particular variable, and showed ‘mixed findings’, but it could also mean that results are mixed across reviews.


The variable has been found not to be a determinant, with some exceptions. This implies that <25% of the available reviews or of the original studies in the included reviews concluded that the variable was related. This could thus mean that only one review has included a particular variable, and generally showed ‘null findings’, with some exceptions. But it could also mean that a number of reviews were executed towards this variable and most, but not all, concluded that the variable was not significantly related to the particular behavioral outcome.


The variable has been found not to be related to this particular outcome. The absence of a relation was identified in all identified reviews, without exception. This could mean that only one review has included a particular variable, and showed that this correlate was not related to the behavior in question, but it could also mean that a number of reviews were executed towards this variable and all of them concluded that the variable was unrelated to the particular behavioral outcome.