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Table 2 Unadjusted and adjusted associations (beta coefficients and 95% CIs) between risk subgroups identified using recursive partitioning analysis and body mass index percentile among 512 QUALITY study participants at baseline (2005–2008)

From: Identifying risk profiles for childhood obesity using recursive partitioning based on individual, familial, and neighborhood environment factors


Beta (95% CI)


54.9 (50.4; 59.5)

78.4 (51.9; 105.0)

Group 1 (n = 132), obesity prevalence 7.6%



Group 2 (n = 97), obesity prevalence 11.3%

13.3 (6.3; 20.3)

12.3 (5.3; 19.3)

Group 3 (n = 163), obesity prevalence 26.4%

16.0 (9.8; 22.1)

15.8 (9.6; 22.0)

Group 4 (n = 39), obesity prevalence 28.2%

22.0 (12.4; 31.6)

22.6 (13.1; 32.1)

Group 5 (n = 37), obesity prevalence 40.5%

25.1 (15.3; 34.8)

23.8 (14.1; 33.5)

Group 6 (n = 25), obesity prevalence 60.0%

31.9 (20.4; 43.3)

31.8 (20.4; 43.1)

Group 7 (n = 19), obesity prevalence 63.2%

34.4 (21.6; 47.3)

32.7 (19.9; 45.4)

Child’s age


−3.3 (−6.1; −0.5)

Sex, boys (Vs. girls)


6.7 (1.5; 11.8)

Puberty initiated at baseline (Vs. not initiated)


10.4 (3.9; 16.9)

Parental education


≥1 parent with university degree



≥1 parent with technical/vocational/trade school degree


5.0 (0.1; 9.9)

2 parents with high school degree or less


7.6 (−1.1; 16.2)

  1. Abbreviations: CI, Confidence interval; QUALITY, Quebec Adipose and Lifestyle Investigation in Youth.