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Table 3 Standardized item-to-factor correlations for structural model 1: children’s self-efficacy model (N = 857)

From: Children’s active commuting to school: an interplay of self-efficacy, social economic disadvantage, and environmental characteristics


Latent factor/Observed variables

Factor loading


Types of children’s self-efficacy

Scheduling Self-efficacy (3 items)


I’m sure that I can walk to and from school:


At least once every week

.78 (.02)


At least 2–4 days of the week

.87 (.02)


Every day of the week

.91 (.02)


Barrier Self-efficacy (6 items)


Even if I live far from school

.69 (.03)


Even if there is a lot of traffic

.70 (.03)


Even if it is hot outside

.83 (.02)


Even if it is cold outside

.80 (.02)


Even if it is raining outside

.77 (.03)


Even if my friends or classmates do not walk to school

.87 (.02)


Support-seeking Self-efficacy (4 items)


With my parents

.40 (.05)


With my friends or classmates

.80 (.02)


By myself

.91 (.01)


Without my parents

.91 (.01)


Sources of children’s self-efficacy

Emotional States (2 items)


Do you feel safe walking in your neighborhood during the day?

.83 (.05)


Do you feel safe riding a bike in your neighborhood during the day?

.64 (.05)


Social Persuasion (2 items)


Have your teachers or other school staff encouraged you to walk or ride to or from school?

.78 (.26)


Does your school have a Walking School Bus or a similar program?

.38 (.12)


Social Modeling (2 items)


Do many people walk or ride bikes in your neighborhood?

.44 (.06)


How many of your friends usually walk or ride a bike to school?

.46 (.07)


Social economic disadvantage

Number of assistance that a child’s family received

.47 (.09)


Ethnicity (White or non-white)

.61 (.12)


Environmental constraints

Percentage of highway (binary)

.64 (.09)


Auto-related land use (binary)

.73 (.08)


Construction and manufacturing land use (binary)

.46 (.07)


General commercial land use (binary)

.68 (.07)


Presence of crashes per acre (binary)

.31 (.08)


Network distance

.87 (.07)
