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Table 1 Interview guide

From: Parenting around child snacking: development of a theoretically-guided, empirically informed conceptual model


When I say the word “snack” what do you think of?


Tell me about your child’s snack habits?


So thinking about [child’s name], why does s/he get snacks?


How do you decide what [child’s name] eats for a snack?

  i. What role does [child’s name] play in this decision?

  ii. Are there snacks that you like [child’s name] to eat? What things do you try to make sure s/he eats those kinds of snacks?

  iii. Are there snacks that you think [child’s name] should eat less often? If yes, what things do you try to do to make sure s/he doesn’t eat too many of those snacks?

  iv. Are there any snacks you particularly enjoy giving [child’s name]? Why is that? When do you tend to offer these kinds of snacks?


How do you decide how much [child’s name] eats for a snack?

  i. What role does [child’s name] have in this decision?

  ii. What things do you do to make sure your child does not eat too much of a particular snack?


How do you decide when [child’s name] eats a snack?

  i. What role does [child’s name] have in this decision?

  ii. When does [child’s name] eat snacks on weekdays? Is this usually about the same time each day?

  iii. How about weekends? Is it usually about the same time each day?

  iv. Tell me about your child’s snack habits between dinner and bedtime?


How do you respond when [child’s name] pesters or nags you for snacks?