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Table 3 Emerging themes

From: Influence of culture on dietary practices of children under five years among Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado, Kenya



Nomadism makes Animals to be away from home

Immediate animal products not available to children

Livestock is a sign of wealth thus Animals rarely slaughtered or sold

Lack of adequate food and income to buy food

Forbidden foods thus some available foods not being consumed

Lack of diversified diet

Land to be used for grazing leading to minimal crop production

Lack of adequate food

Early introduction of foods to infant below six months

Exclusive breast feeding affected

Poor intra-household food distribution

Men get more food while children get less

Consumption of raw animal products

May lead to infections

Milk fermentation

Improved bio-availability of micronutrients

Food sharing

The amount consumed is reduced for those who have and increased for those without

Reliance on traditional healersfor medication

Lack of access to adequate health care services