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Table 3 Models for within-twin pair differences in ‘food fussiness’ and maternal feeding practices (n = 1013 pairs)

From: Maternal feeding practices and fussy eating in toddlerhood: a discordant twin analysis

Within-twin pair differences

Model 1: Instrumental feedingb

F(7, 1005) = 4.34 (p < .001)

R2 = .029

Model 2: Pressure to eatc

F(7, 1005) = 45.61 (p < .001)

R2 = .241

Model 3: Restrictiond

F(7, 1005) = 4.39 (p < .001)

R2 = .030

B ± SE


p value

B ± SE


p value

B ± SE


p value

Food fussinessa

.021 (.004)***



.148 (.012)***



-.011 (.013)



SDS Birth weight

.004 (.003)



.005 (.008)



.004 (.008)



SDS Weight at 16 months

−.006 (.003)



−.092 (.009)***



.038 (.009)***




 Both boys

−.008 (.006)



.012 (.017)



.029 (.019)



 Both girls

−.002 (.006)



.017 (.017)



.008 (.018)



Early feeding methodf

 Both mostly breastfed

−.001 (.015)



−.022 (.042)



−.009 (.045)



 Both mostly bottle−fed

.006 (.015)



−.009 (.042)



−.015 (.045)



  1. B indicates unstandardized estimate, β indicates the standardized estimate
  2. *p < .05; *p < .01; **p < .001
  3. Subscales are from the aCEBQ [25]; bPFSQ [23]; cCFQ [12]; and dPoppets scale [24]
  4. eThe reference group different sex between twins (ie. boy-girl twin pairs); fThe reference group is different feeding method between twins (ie. one twin mostly bottle-fed, the other twin mostly breastfed)