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Table 1 Potential correlates of young children’s objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior (n = 394)

From: Correlates of preschool children’s objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior: a cross-sectional analysis of the SPLASHY study

Potential correlates

Use in analysis

Mean (SD) or %

Demographic and biological variables



Binary variable (%boys)



Continuous variable (years)

3.9 (0.7)

 Birth weight

Continuous variable (grams)

3297.7 (566.7)

 Chronic health condition

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%with chronic health condition)



Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%overweight or obese)


 Gross motor skillsa

Continuous variable (composite z-score)

0.04 (1.0)


Binary variable (%having older siblings)


 Parental BMI

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%at least one overweight or obese parent)



Continuous variable (parental ISEI score [range 16–90; increases with higher SES])

61.5 (15.9)

 Family structure

Binary variable (%single parent households)


Psychological, cognitive and emotional variables



Continuous variable (NEPSY score [range 0–30; increases with better self-regulation])

20.3 (9.1)

 Psychological difficulties

Continuous variable (SDQ total score [range 0–40; increases with more difficulties])

8.9 (4.5)

 Emotionality temperament

Continuous variable (EAS emotionality score [range 1–5; increases with more pronounced trait])

2.8 (0.7)

 Activity temperament

Continuous variable (EAS activity score [range 1–5; increases with more pronounced trait])

3.8 (0.7)

 Shyness temperament

Continuous variable (EAS shyness score [range 1–5; increases with more pronounced trait])

2.3 (0.7)

 Parenting stress

Continuous variable (PSS score [range 5–90; increases with more parenting stress])

37.2 (7.4)

 Cognitive performancea

Continuous variable (composite z-score)

0.03 (0.8)

Behavioral variables


 Sleep duration

Continuous variable (hours)

10.8 (0.6)

 Play frequency

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%more than once/week)


Social and cultural variables


 Parental sedentary behavior

Continuous variable (hours)

3 (2–5)b

 Parental sports club membership

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%at least one parent is member)


 Parental physical activity

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%at least one parent is active)


 Parental involvement in child PA

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%at least one parent is involved)


 Transport to childcare

Binary variable (%active)


 Parental tobacco use

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%at least one parent smokes)


 Parental alcohol consumption

Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%at least one parent consumes large amounts)


Environmental variables


 Time outdoors

Continuous variable (hours)

2 (1.5–3.0)b

 Fixed toys

Continuous variable (number of items [range 0–7])

1.6 (1.5)

 Portable toys

Continuous variable (number of items [range 0–8])

4.4 (1.5)

 Days at childcare

Continuous variable (number of days [range 0–5])

2.8 (1.2)

 Living area per person

Continuous variable (m2)

30 (23.3–37.5)b

 Neighborhood safety

Continuous variable (neighborhood safety sum score [range 0–44; increases with increasing concerns])

12.5 (6.9)


Binary variable (%dog owner)



Re-coded to dichotomous variable (%summer)



Binary variable (%urban)


  1. PA physical activity, BMI body mass index, SES socio-economic status, SEI international socio-economic index
  2. aDirectly assessed (all other information is parent-report)
  3. bMedian and inter-quartile range presented for skewed distribution