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Table 1 Averages for dependent and independent variables across measurement times

From: The effectiveness of asking behaviors among 9–11 year-old children in increasing home availability and children’s intake of fruit and vegetables: results from the Squire’s Quest II self-regulation game intervention


M (SD)

Baseline, T0

Immediate post-intervention measurement, T1

Follow-up measurement, T2

Average (SD)

Child FV intakea

2.1 (1.3)

2.6 (1.7)

2.4 (1.5)


Cohen’s dT1-T0 = 0.36

Cohen’s dT2-T0 = 0.23

Child FV asking behaviorb

9.9 (4.2)

11.8 (4.0)

11.0 (4.2)


Cohen’s dT1-T0 = 0.47

Cohen’s dT2-T0 = 0.26

Home FV availabilityc

40.1 (10.7)

47.0 (10.2)

44.9 (9.6)


Cohen’s dT1-T0 = 0.66

Cohen’s dT2-T0 = 0.47

  1. Note. Measurement unitsa Servings per day; bNumber of asking behaviors for FV (1 behavior = 2 points); cNumber of FV available at home (1 F/V = 2 points)