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Table 1 List of potential correlates of moderate-to-vigorous and total physical activity, their measurement properties and operationalization [12, 26, 28, 31-33, 36, 41, 46, 47, 48, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79]

From: Subjectively and objectively assessed social and physical environmental correlates of preschoolers’ accelerometer-based physical activity

  1. Domain classification was adapted from Sallis et al. [44]. No potential correlates belonging to the domain psychological, cognitive and emotional potential correlates were assessed in this study. We assessed both family-level (white) and community-level potential correlates (grey) that were measured subjectively (i.e. by parent proxy-report) or objectively (marked with an asterisk *). Among the community-level potential correlates variables were measured at preschool1, village/city2 or county-level3. As the results of 4-level mixed models did not change qualitatively, we collapsed the preschool, village/city and county-levels into one level, called community-level in the entire paper. Only 2-level models distinguishing family-level from community-level potential correlates are presented in this paper. Latent variables are marked with a °.
  2. BMI body mass index, ISCED International Standard Classification of Education, MVPA moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, PA physical activity, SES socioeconomic status, TPA total physical activity