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Table 1 Items on self-administered questionnaire at child age 12–16 months used to characterise maternal perception of fussy eating and child behaviour

From: Perceived fussy eating in Australian children at 14 months of age and subsequent use of maternal feeding practices at 2 years



Dichotomised variable used in regression model

Maternal perception of her child as a fussy eater:

 Do you think your child is a picky or fussy eater?

Very picky, Somewhat picky, Not picky, Not sure

Fussy (very picky, somewhat picky combined), Not fussy (not picky, not sure combined)

Child behaviour:


 How often does your child refuse food?

Very often, Often, Sometimes, Hardly ever

Often (Very often, Often), Not often (Sometimes, Hardly ever)

 Does your child ever refuse food they usually eat?

Hardly ever, Yes


 How willing is your child to eat unfamiliar foods?

Very willing, Willing, Neutral, Unwilling, Very unwilling

Willing (Very willing, Willing), Not willing (Neutral, Unwilling, Very unwilling)

 Who decides how much food your child eats – you or your child?

You only, Mostly you, You and your child equally, Mostly your child, Your child only

Mother (You only, Mostly you, You and your child equally), Child (Mostly your child, Your child only)