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Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: Food parenting and child snacking: a systematic review

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

 1. Measured snacking or snack-related behaviors of children aged 2 years to 18 years through either objective (e.g., meal observations) or subjective (i.e., self-report) methods. This could include nutrient intake, snack foods, frequency, quality, or context.

 2. Measured the feeding style, feeding practices, and/or parenting style of the child’s parent or primary caregiver through self-report of caregiver, child, or direct observation (e.g. observed snack time) in the context of child snacking.

1. Not in English

2. Published prior to 1980

3. Not in a peer-reviewed journal (e.g. TIME magazine)

4. Not a research article (e.g. published in Pediatrics but is an interest piece or compilation of abstracts)

5. Scope of article is outside of child/family nutrition or weight status (e.g. focus on oral health, a particular foodstuff, etc.)

6. Population studied was not children ages 2–18. As long as child was under 18 at baseline, we can use the study.

7. Exclude studies of nursing

8. Population focused on children with special healthcare needs (e.g. feeding disorders, diabetes, eating disorders

9. Child snacks or snacking not assessed

10. Parenting/parent feeding and child snacking not examined togethera,b

11. Review paper

12. Qualitative paper

  1. aDid not include family meals or parent diet as a marker of food parenting
  2. bExcluded if primary caregivers were not assessed at all (e.g. a study of the feeding patterns of child care workers)