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Table 2 List of the domains, items and Cronbach’s Alphas of the Self-Perceived Food Literacy Scale (29 items, α: 0.83)

From: Towards the measurement of food literacy with respect to healthy eating: the development and validation of the self perceived food literacy scale among an adult sample in the Netherlands

ᅟI. Food preparation skills (6 items, α: 0.78)

1. Are you able to prepare fresh vegetables in different ways?

For example cooking, steaming or stir frying, or in different dishes?

2. Do you find it difficult to prepare a meal with more than five fresh ingredients?

3. Are you able to alter a recipe yourself?

For example if you are missing one of the ingredients?

4. Are you able to prepare fresh fish in different ways?

For example grilling, pan frying or stewing, or in different dishes?

5. Are you able to prepare a meal using fresh ingredients?

So without pre-packed and processed foods?

6. Are you able to see, smell or feel the quality of fresh foods?

For example of meat, fish or fruit?

ᅟII. Resilience and resistance (6 items, α = 0.80)

7. Are you able to say ‘no’ to tasty snacks if you want to?

For example birthday treats or finger foods?

8. Imagine that you are at a place where you see and smell tasty foods. Are you able to resist the temptation of buying them?

For example at the train station, the petrol station, or at the bakery?

9. Are you able to eat healthily when you feel stressed?

10. Do you choose foods that are in line with your mood?

For example if you are sad or annoyed?

11. Are you able to eat healthily if the situation deviates from a regular situation?

For example when you have unexpected guests or experience time pressure?

12. Do you eat the total contents of a bag or container of crisps, candies or cookies in one go?

ᅟIII. Healthy snack styles (4 items, α = 0.58)

13. Do you take along healthy snacks for yourself when you are on the go?

For example fruit, cherry-tomatoes, nuts?

14. Do you eat vegetables as snacks?

15. Do you eat fruit as a snack?

16. Do you have healthy snacks for yourself in stock?

For example nuts, carrots, cherry tomatoes, or mini cucumbers?

ᅟIV. Social and conscious eating (3 items, α = 0.69)

17. Do you find it important to eat at the dinner table if you are eating with others?

18. Do you find it important to eat dinner at the same time if you are with others?

19. Do you engage in any other activities while eating?

For example reading, working, or watching television?

ᅟV. Examining food labels (2 items, α = 0.90)

20. Do you compare the calories, fat, sugar or salt content of different products?

21. Do you check the nutritional labels of products for calories, fat, sugar or salt content?

ᅟVI. Daily food planning (2 items, α = 0.72)

22. If you have something to eat, do you take account of what you will eat later that day?

23. If you have something to eat, do you reflect on what you have eaten earlier that day?

ᅟVII. Healthy budgeting (2 items, α = 0.85)

24. Do you purchase healthy foods, even if they are a bit more expensive?

For example vegetables, fruit, or whole grain products?

25. Do you purchase healthy food, even if you have limited money?

For example vegetables, fruit, or whole grain products?

ᅟVIII. Healthy food stockpiling (4 items, α = 0.81)

26. Do you have 4 or more packages of crisps, pretzels or savoury snacks in stock?

27. Do you have 4 or more packages of candy, cookies or chocolate in stock?

28. Do you have 4 or more bottles of sugar sweetened beverages or lemonade with sugar in stock?

29. Do you have 4 or more cartons of fruit juice in stock?