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Fig. 2 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Fig. 2

From: Preconception lifestyle intervention reduces long term energy intake in women with obesity and infertility: a randomised controlled trial

Fig. 2

Differences in energy intake (kcal) without underreporters at follow-up. Differences between women allocated to the intervention group (I; N = 73) versus the control group (C; N = 57) were analysed using multivariate linear regression, corrected for: Caucasian origin (yes/no), education level (categorical: no education or primary school; secondary education; intermediate vocational education; higher vocational education and university), smoking (yes/no) and duration of infertility (months). Differences among women who successfully lost weight during the intervention (SI; N = 29), who were unsuccessful in losing weight (UI; N = 24) and the control group (C; N = 73). were analysed using ANCOVA, corrected for the previously mentioned covariates. Tukey post-hoc tests were used to analyse differences within groups. Mean kcal and SD: I = 1992 kcal (453); C = 2222 kcal (556); SI = 1917 kcal (358); UI = 2097 kcal (544); C = 2222 kcal (556). **P-value = 0.04

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