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Table 1 Typologies identified by physical activity and sedentary behavior only

From: Activity-related behavior typologies in youth: a systematic review


High PA/High SB

High PA/Mod SB

High PA/Low SB

Mod PA/High SB

Mod PA/Mod SB

Mod PA/Low SB

Low PA/High SB

Low PA/Mod SB

Low PA/Low SB

Socio-demographic characteristics


+ (36)

0♂ (53)

+♂ (49)

0♂ (53)

+♀ (23)

- (36, 37, 54, 55)

-♂ (12)

0♀ (12)


0♀ (12)

+ (49)

0♀ (12)


+ (37, 54, 55)

+♀ (53)

-♂ (49)

0♂ (53)

 Sex (male)

+ (36, 37, 52)


+ (54)

- (52)

0 (46)


- (52)


+ (54)

0 (46)


- (37, 54)

0 (46)

 Weight status

0 (53)

+ (30, 36)

0 (53)

-♀ (23)

- (12, 54)


+ (12, 36, 54)

+♀ (23)

+ (30)

- (54)

0 (53)

+ (36)

 Household income


+ (55)

- (55)


 Family affluence


0 (12)

+ (49)


0 (12)

0 (12)


+ (49)

 Ethnicity (white)


+ (55)

0♂ (12)

- (55)


0♂ (12)

0♂ (12)

-♀ (12)


 Ethnicity (Hispanic)

0♂ (36)

-♀ (36)


-♀ (55)

0♂ (36, 55)

0♂ (55)


0♂ (55)

0♂ (36)


0♂ (36, 55)

+♀ (36, 55)

 Ethnicity (Black)


- (55)

- (55)


 Ethnicity (Asian)


0 (55)

0 (55)


0 (55)


0 (55)

 Ethnicity (Not specified)

0 (53)

0 (53)


0 (53)

 Country of birth (born in study country)

0♂ (53)

0♂ (53)


+ (55)


- (55)

0♂ (53)

+♀ (53)

 Education level

- (52)


- (46)

-♂ (12)

0♀ (12)


0♀ (12)

0♀ (12)

+ (46, 52)


 Live with 2 parents


0♂ (12)


0♂ (12)

0♂ (12)

-♀ (12)


 Parental education level


0 (12)

0 (54)


0 (12)

0 (12, 54)


0 (54)

Behavioral correlates

 School attendance


+♂ (55)

-♀ (55)

+♀(low skating/biking) (55)

-♀ (55)


+♀ (55)


- (55)

 Academic performance

+ (35)


+ (35)


+ (35)

  1. ♂ indicates male only, ♀ indicates female only, + indicates positive association, − indicates negative association, 0 indicates no association, PA; physical activity, SB; sedentary behavior