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Table 1 Sample characteristics of participants with diet recall data (n = 365) in the Pregnancy Eating Attributes Study (PEAS)

From: The accelerator, the brake, and the terrain: associations of reward-related eating, self-regulation, and the home food environment with diet quality during pregnancy and postpartum in the pregnancy eating attributes study (PEAS) cohort

Demographic characteristic

Mean ± SD or N (%)

Age at baseline

30.9 ± 4.6

Household size

3.0 ± 1.2

Poverty to income ratio

3.9 ± 1.9

Marital status

 Married/living with partner

315 (92.1)


27 (7.9)


 High school graduate or less

27 (7.9)

 Some college or associate’s degree

63 (18.4)

 Bachelor’s degree

106 (31.0)

 Master’s/advanced degree

146 (42.7)



262 (75.3)


49 (14.1)


17 (4.9)

 Other or multi-race

20 (5.7)


 Hispanic or Latino

26 (7.5)

 Not Hispanic or Latino

319 (92.5)



181 (49.6)


184 (50.4)

BMI group at baseline

 Normal weight

186 (51.0)


97 (26.6)


82 (22.5)

Healthy Eating Index total score





  1. Demographic data missing for 26 participants for income; 23 participants for household size, marital status and education; 20 participants for ethnicity; and 17 participants for race