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Table 1 Characteristics of the sample of parents and children nested in 605 families, N = 1837

From: Resemblance in accelerometer-assessed physical activity in families with children: the Lolland-Falster Health Study


n (%)

Mean ± SD

Parents, n = 902



374 (41.5)



528 (58.5)


 Age (years)


42.9 ± 7.1

 Body mass index


26.9 ± 5.2

 Civil status, n = 708


652 (92.0)



56 (8.0)


 Educational level, n = 713

  Medium or long higher education

290 (40.7)


  Short higher education or vocational education

349 (48.9)


  One or multiple shorter courses or no formal education

74 (10.4)


 Occupation, n = 825


710 (86.5)



49 (5.7)


  Out of work

66 (7.8)


 Physical activity

  LPA (minutes/day)a


212.6 ± 56.0

  MVPA (minutes/day)b


25.5 ± 16.0

  VPA (minutes/day)c


5.5 ± 6.8

Children, n = 935



420 (45.0)



515 (55.0)


 Age (years)


11 ± 4.5

 Physical activity

  LPA (minutes/day)a


197.5 ± 50.0

  MVPA (minutes/day)b


56.8 ± 34.0

  VPA (minutes/day)c


23.7 ± 19.8

  1. aLPA Light physical activity, bMVPA Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, cVPA Vigorous physical activity