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Table 1 Selection criteria for the first consultation round

From: Selection of key indicators for European policy monitoring and surveillance for dietary behaviour, physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Indicator criteria


The indicator is relevant

The indicator is clearly relevant to policy evaluation of lifestyle/NCDs prevention and/or is a plausible proxy for the underlying measure.

The indicator is actionable

The indicator provides information that can lead to action for change: inform and influence policies. It is actionable in regard to the PEN case studies.

The indicator is meaningful and useable

The information must be easy to understand, relevant for governments plans and priorities and useful for public health action (e.g. targets population groups that are likely more affected)

The indicator is accurate

Scientific soundness: The scientific evidence supporting a link between the performance of an indicator and lifestyle change/NCDs prevention is strong.

Validity: The indicator appears reasonable as a measure of what it is intended to measure (face validity), and the components of the indicator make sense (construct validity).

Reliability: The same results can be obtained if measurements are repeated under identical conditions.

The indicator is feasible/efficient

Sufficient good quality data are already available and accessible, or data collection can be put in place at relatively low costs.

The indicator is ongoing

Data can be regularly collected and compared over time.

The indicator is internationally comparable

The indicator is clearly relevant to different cultural settings and regions in Europe and not entirely national context bound. The information can be harmonised across all European Union member states.

The indicator is age- independent

The indicator is applicable to all age groups.

  1. Abbreviations: NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases, PEN Policy Evaluation Network
  2. Note: adapted from the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) [45, 46]