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Table 3 Described changes in eating behavior during pregnancy vs. postpartum

From: Determinants of changes in women’s and men’s eating behavior across the transition to parenthood: a focus group study

During pregnancy


1. Changes in food choice

Changes in preference and tastea:

None reported

- Food preference and aversion to specific foods


- Taste preference and aversion

e.g., sweet preferences


Changes in food choice related to convenience

e.g., take-out food

Changes in food choice related to convenience

e.g., more food that is easy and fast to prepare

2. Changes in eating frequency and quantity

 Increasing frequency of eating

Decreasing frequency of eating, more irregularity

 Changes in quantity (smaller portions)a

Changes in quantity (skipping meals)

3. Changes in time and place of eating

 None reported

- Place

e.g., more at the office, less in restaurants

- Time

e.g., later in the evening

4. Changes in eating circumstances

 None reported

e.g., eating more in a hurry

5. Changes in eating preparation

 e.g., more attention for food safety

e.g., preparing meals more in advance

6. Changes in dietary intake

- Healthier

e.g., more vegetables

- Healthier

e.g., more fresh foods, more variety of vegetables and fruit

- Unhealthier

e.g., more sugary foods

- Unhealthier

e.g., more candy

7. Supplementation

 Supplementation of vitamins

None reported

  1. achanges mentioned by women only, all other changes were mentioned by both women and men